Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Hobbycraft Felted Penguins

For my birthday I was lucky enough to get some Hobbycraft gift cards, and one of the things I brought was a penguin felting kit. Mr Knitwit like penguins he wouldn't say it himself but he thinks they are very sweet and adorable.

Anyway as soon as I received them I started them, and worked solidly on them for about two days and then Christmas happened and I chucked them to the back of the to do pile thinking they'll be pretty quick to do ill get them finished next week.

That was in October!

Anyway I finished them yesterday! Just in time to put them out as Christmas decorations!

The thing i like best is that there is a mummy penguin, a daddy penguin and a lil penguin just like US!

I enjoyed doing them I just didn't really get it, its no where near as therapeutic as knitting and sewing. Also they are kinda hairy? I'm not sure if that's because I've done it wrong or because they are meant to be.  

I had to add my own beaks, they do come in the kit but I had an incident with the hoover and Ahem....... Lost them........

All in All I'm pleased that I gave felting a whirl, it was certainly something new and I didn't hate it, it just wouldn't be my first choice in future. At £3.00 the hobbycraft kit is really reasonably priced and the instructions are fairly clear. I might try again with another kit but I'm pretty sure ill never be making master pieces like some of the creations I see in pinterest.

In other news Lil Knitwit has been under the weather and I'm hoping it'll pass before Christmas, but bi have a feeling he'll just pass it onto Mr Knitwit and they'll both end up in bed. GOD PLEASE NO!

All the Christmas wrapping has been done which is a huge weight off my mind, and I've started to categorise the presents. Yes I categorise the presents, Otherwise I'd never get all of them out! seriously plus I don't want to mix up the presents coming into the house [we have a small child so we have a lot coming in] with the ones going out!

Much Love



P.s what do I do with all of the felting wool I have left over?


  1. Cute penguins Frankie. I haven't tried felting but it is very effective. As for the leftovers, have you heard about thrumming? You can google thrumming knit and find out more. I made a pair of mitts for my granddaughter and they kept her hands toasty, or you could make slippers. Here is a YouTube link

    1. Thankyou, I'll take a look at those links! I hate having left overs from a project! And I hate throwing things away!! X


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