Saturday, 10 January 2015

Sweet mother of Martha Stewart!

I'm in craftseller magazine! Well at least my owl is, my actual face isn't present! Craftseller contacted me last year saying that they liked my stuff and would I write in and tell them more about how I got started! 

And voila! 

Seriously! I practically danced around tesco! We'd only popped in for lightbulbs when I went for a flick through the magazines and thought that looks familiar! I'm so pleased and proud! I immediately phoned momma and daddy Knitwit and they went and picked up a copy as well! 

In other less owls news I'm taking part in the vintage sewing pledge 2015. 

I Frankie Carson of pledge to finally make the vintage pattern my dad brought for me when I was 15 (and to not be a wuss about it! ) 

Basically when I went to the goodwood revival one year I had a massive knee infection, couldn't wear heels and had to walk with a stick. I was miserable and the tablets made me sleepy so I spent most of my time in pain or asleep and bless em mummy and daddy broughte a vintage pattern to cheer me up! Which has been sat in a draw since becuase it's terrifying! 

So hopefully this year I'll be a big girl and sew it up nicely! 

Much love 




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