Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Tilly and the buttons checked Indigo Dress

Taking pictures is difficult at the minute!! Normally I use my mums living room , or go outside but LOL LOCKDOWN! So can’t visit mum and well honey its cold outside!

So instead I spent half a day lugging my tripod round the house desperately trying to find somewhere suitable to take a picture.

And as I live with a small child this was not easy, most backgrounds seemed to be filled with rubbish or toys or pants.............

Anyway this is my Tilly and the buttons indigo dress. Typically I don’t buy the individual Tilly and the buttons patterns because I’m a cheapskate. But a few months ago my phone pinged and I was forced to self isolate. 

And thus started a week where I had no lil man {I elected to send him to his dads so he could continue to go to school] no work and no boyfriend. I was lonely and pretty miserable. 

And on one of the MANY FaceTimes I made to my mum and sister one of them suggested that I treat myself to a new pattern and some fabric and well they didn’t have to suggest it twice!!!! [I also brought a second guitar but that’s another story]

I ordered the indigo dress from Tilly and the buttons because it has zero fastenings and looked like a nice easy make. Then I ordered two fabrics from and a whole heap of fabrics from pound fabrics. 

A word on pound fabrics, So far everything Ive ordered has been of excellent quality, however there is a minimum amount you can order and they do really sting you on the postage. I don’t even think they have a free postage option for if you spend an extortionate amount. 

I cut the dress out during isolation and sewed maybe two seemed then got sucked into watching “outlander” on prime and decided to focus on knitting my socks. 

And since then the pieces have been laying unloved and unfinished, until last week where I decided I needed and easy and uplifting sew, pulled my finger out and finished it off. And I LOVE it.

So it’s basically a bit of a tent but its so comfy and easy to pop on with leggings and tights. Plus it looks really cool with my doc martens boots. , Plus the fabric is part polyester so it doesn’t really need ironing! Which is a complete winner in my eyes. 

I’ve already made a second one and plan on wearing them lots. I’m trying to step away from wearing my pjs all day this lockdown as I don’t think it helps with my mental health.

And yeah that’s it really pattern by TATB and fabric from Minerva. Very easy and took barely any time, I did most of the construction on my overlocker which made things super speedy. 


- homeschooling still sucks but we are managing
- I’m still not sleeping properly, probably because I’m not really doing anything apart from stay at home. 
- Ive been slowly adding rows to the crochet blanket I’m making for john. Currently I’ve reached the point where it doesn’t feel like its getting any bigger. It looks cute though I’m just hoping that I will actually finish it one day and it won’t end up withering under a pile of other things I want to make. 

And well that’s it really, its hard to have an other news when you can’t go out and make news? 

Oh wait actually one thing I have an iPad! John had one that he hardly used so he wiped it for me and I brought a keyboard so I can still blog whilst little dude is using my laptop for home schooling. It’s pretty cool and I think I’m in danger of becoming one of “those” apple people. 

I also brought these for the cats. Having three cats means that they can go through a bowl of biscuits in half an hour and then whinge for more. 

 Also I can’t wait to see all the cats gathered around it and imagine that they’ve just come out of a meeting that could have been an email. 

Much Love 




1 comment:

  1. I have that pattern and have really enjoyed wearing it as the dress and top version.


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