
Sunday 22 July 2018

Gift ideas for sewists

I think gift buying gets harder and harder the older a person gets. Either they buy the things they want or they've got everything they want so they don't really need anything! Which is why I like to put a little gift guide together every now and again so if necessary you can print it out and leave it on a table to make sure you don't get a hoover for your birthday or a whisk. 

Unless that's your jam in which case crack on. 

But here's some gifts I'd love to receive so I'm assuming you guys would too.


£18 to make sure your buttons are always perfectly spaced? And to not have to do complicated maths? Count me in!!! (AHEM momma *smiles*)

2. Scissor set


Scissors? Check. Snips? Check. Thimble? Check. Rose gold? Check!!! Just take my money!!! 


Why not declare his much you like fabric to the world? I literally can't think of any reasons I wouldn't need this top.


T HAS FLOWERS ON IT!!!! I NEED IT!!!!! I'm actually trying to justify having another sewing machine in my life. I mean its not exactly a bells and whistles machine but it has towers on it so who cares!!!! 


I actually think this is a steal for twenty pounds and can you imagine how useful it would be to have a ruler with you all the time (AHEM Momma my birthdays coming up *bats eyelashes*


As you may have gathered I love a sewing related necklace and even better this one can have your initial added to it. *squeals*


Would you believe I ever made prefect at school? Something to do with being on the edge of normal and being fond of the f word. (Which sounds bad but my head of year found it hilarious and would often remind me that it wasn't punctuation) anyway this seamstress badge is something I would have loved to wear on my blazer!

And that's it! Can you think of anything cool I missed off???

Much love Frankie 


  1. What a great selection. I would take the button hole marker.I'm not a fan of math either. And the leather wrist ruler.


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