
Saturday 28 July 2018

Round Up of my Latest Minerva Crafts Posts

Hey folks! 

Still enjoying the heat wave?

Well naturally with all the blasted heat and the summer holidays I haven't actually had much time for sewing and whilst I've really enjoyed spending time with the kid I am starting to miss my sewing machine! 

So here's a few links to some blog posts I wrote way back when for minerva crafts! [Also note to self : get a haircut] 

First up we have butterick 6318 in luxury crepe! Which some of you may have seen on my instagram feed. There's actually one of these on my sewing table right now I just don't have the time to sew it! 

Next we have my review of the habico mini iron! Which I now use for both sewing and travelling! 

Then we have my review of wendy wards new book sewing with knits! I have a lot of projects coming up from this book! Including tee shirt dresses and hopefully some sweat pants! some of you may also remember this cardigan because I wore it all the dammed time during me made may!

and lastly we have this pleated stretch velvet dress. Which is actually making me sweat a little bit just looking at it but it was lovely and warm during winter! In fact I wore this for my sons nativity so it has some nice memories attached to it too! 

Hopefully I'll get some proper sewing sessions in soon! Maybe I'll banish the boys off for a day of golf? Although saying that I'll only miss him when hes back at school!!!! 

But for now I'm going to live vicariously through you all! So whats every one working on? 

Much Love 


disclaimer - the items reviews were sent to me for free however all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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