
Thursday 19 July 2018

Abakhans Fill A Bag Sale -Thoughts and Fabric Haul Video

Hey folks! How we all doing? I've got two more days of shipping lil man off to school and then its 6 weeks of lie ins so I'm feeling pretty chipper! 

I'm also feeling chipper because I have 32 [I think] pieces of fabric in my dining room and the sun has been shining so I have plenty of opportunities to pre-wash.

So basically on 7th of July I got up at half six in the morning so I'd have enough time to get ready , walk the dog and feed lil man breakfast before heading out to abakhans.

We'd already decided that waiting in line was not fun so decided to get there early. However as it turned out the heat meant that the queues were a lot shorter so we needn't have gotten up early. 

That said getting there early did mean that when we got into the sale room my dad managed to bag the only chair which was pretty useful for when my mum got tired. 

Oh yeah I should have mentioned we went en force!!!! There was a plan of attack from camp knitwits! I went, my momma went, my dad went, my sister went and lil man came too!!! 

As you can see I took the opportunity to have a group selfie. 

It was laid out the same as last time to be honest so there's not much I can say about that. But their were some highlights!

- Lil man shifting through fabric and saying "mummy do you like this?" FYI Mummy did not love everything he picked out..... But he did pick out some cute things.
- falling into the box again.......
- Holding lil man over the box so he could reach the bottom of the box.
- A lady telling me she reads my blog! *waves* HEY LADY! it was nice meeting you let me know what your going to make with that roll of faux fur you brought!

Anyways as I said I got a LOT of fabric , far to much to photograph so I've made a video [spoiler alert Polly our dog makes an appearance] and a bag of 50 zips because this girl is always running out of zips..... Or so I thought until I got home and couldn't get them into my zip jar! 

Now I warn you its a LONG one! So I'd suggest making a brew before you start!

Hope you enjoy!




  1. What a good haul you got but you certainly worked for it. Lots of good stuff there - the Stella hoodie fabric and the linen and the DENIM. Look forward to seeing those Marcus’ choices made up. How sweet of him to be so supportive. He will soon be ready to start sewing himself.

    1. I know! I'm terrified of him using the machine though! Even though he's the same age I was when I started!

  2. *waves back* weirdly the faux fur is just destined to be some camping chair covers for when we go to The Gathering (live role play event in Derby) was too cheap to pass up! I got some of the fans too, not sure what to do with it yet, it’s similar to the zebras I got and made into a body con type dress, kinda works just a bit tricky to get up stairs!! Haha

    1. Oh that sounds really cool! Furry chairs for the win!!! Let me know what you do with the fans! X


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