
Thursday 21 May 2015

Possibly my favourite thing that I've ever made...ever...

Today's post is brought to you from my sofa, under a fuzzy blanket, wearing my huggie (for those out of the loop a huggie is lil knitwits name for a hoodie and I think it sounds much nicer) 

I'm poorly, like down in the dumps, everyone feel sorry for me poorly. 

But I still have an dress to show you today, luckily I took the photos last night when I was just feeling icky, rather than today where the world is ending! 

The top of the dress is made from the bottom scrap of my bridesmaid dress, and the shorter corset pattern from the gbsb book! 

All the seams are flat felled (or welts I can never tell the difference!) and these were super fiddly I think it's because of the type of material I used (some sort of thick silky stuff) 

The skirt is a self drafted gathered high, low, cross over, hybrid type thing (technical explanation right there!) and because this fabric was lighter and moved faster than usain bolt it was tricky to hem! So I stitched down a piece of ribbon and used that to get an even double fold . I did try and use my rolled hem foot but apparently there's only so many times you can curse until the air does actually turn blue!

My method worked pretty well though and left me with a glitzy trim on the inside.

The zip is repurposed, but I think it's too heavy for the fabric so I might switch it for something lighter. (Must stop putting my head down on behind shots, I look like the hunchback of notredame) 

The zip seems to be bubbling where it's attached to the lighter fabric! 

And the straps are repurposed from an old bra, the double strap v was a spur of the moment detail! The straps are not supportive they are just there for peace of mind and decoration! 

All in all I LOVE this dress, I wanted something with a structured top and a softer skirt so I'm pleased with how that looks. I wish it was a lil more modest at the front, here I'm wearing it with a lace slip, I did make my own but it was far to long so I've kept that for other decorum emergencies! Although I did check and I can sit down in it without my hoohar being on display. I like the finish and to be honest I feel pretty darn fabulous in it! 

Much love




  1. Hey I just found your blog and have had fun reading through some of your posts :-) what an awesome dress I think it looks fab :-)

    1. Thankyou for reading, I'm glad you like the dress x


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