
Wednesday 20 May 2015

Custom ukulele

I cannot believe I haven't posted this project yet! I mean seriously I must be off my game becuase this was so dammed hard to keep secret. So without further ado! Do you remember at Christmas when I was saying I had a lot of projects I couldn't blog about becuase they were gifts? 

Well this is the custom ukulele I made for my bother in law for Christmas , quite simply I brought a ukulele and decorated it! My brother in law is very musical, in fact he's the very same brother in law who plays in the band hybrid nine who's album artwork I have done! He's also pretty hard to buy for, he doesn't read so it's usually something vaguely musical or haribo for Christmas! 

His tastes tend to lean towards to abstract side of art, so I tried to too! 

I put scales on the side (ya know it's a musical pun) 

And added this quote to the side

"Behind every favourite song, there is an untold story" 

But the backs my favourite part, there's a old skool tattoo style woman and a banner and at the top there's a little music note/anchor design. 

And there's a number 1 because it's my first custom piece.

All in all I love it and I hope he did too! (I think he did these are the pictures he shared on Facebook afterwards anyhow) 

In other news , I finished my dress! And I ironed it ready to take photos! And then realised I hadn't taken a strapless bra out off the bedroom so I couldn't, photograph it! Poor Mr knitwit is working nights so nipping in the retrieve it during to day (when he goes to bed) was not an option! 

I've even made a slip to wear underneath it, although I think it's an awkward length for a slip so I might just be a hussy and go without! 

Much love




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