
Thursday 23 April 2015

Lazy patchwork summer days

I don't have much to report to be honest, my patchwork hexagon project is growing steadily. 

And so far I'm loving how it looks, it's got some of my favourite fabrics in it. 

Last scraps of this floral

Some silky fabric left over from an old school project

Suede from a dress I made a little while ago

Some of the fabric I used on my first lilou dress! 

And a little bit of the brodiere anglaise fabric from my second Megan blouse! 

I love patchwork it's perfect for using up little bits of fabric left over from dressmaking projects! 

Although I do hate it when this happens! 

I did consider unpicking it, but I don't think it bothers me that much? At least I hope it won't! I'm definitely keeping at as a hexagon shape, I think it'll be quite nice as an unusual shape! 

In other news, little KnitWit is back at nursery and will be doing a full day this week! I'm absolutely wetting myself! I haven't been alone all day in a long time

Much love



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