
Tuesday 21 April 2015

English paper piecing

I'm currently English paper piecing or EPP as the blog going world sometimes calls it, is the first type of patchwork I was ever taught. Back then I used my momma bears method but since then I've tweaked it to suit my lazy ways ! 

Note : please don't see this as a tutorial, it's more just a "this is how I find it easiest" sort of thing! 

First of all you need your supplies, needle and thread, pin, fabric square and your shape (I'm using hexagons). I make my shapes from card or thick paper, because I think they last longer and give a crisper edge. As you can tell I've cut up ukips pamphlet here..... Ahem says everything really. 

Pin shape to fabric square (your fabric should be bigger than your shape, I tend to go for 1cm as a rule but have been known to go smaller for really nice fabric scraps!

Fold your first two sides in! 

And secure with a couple of stitches. Do NOT sew through the card! 

Fold your next edge, and do a quick running stitch to it then secure with a few stitches. 

Keep going and voila! 

This method differs from how I was taught because we used to see through the card, however the beauty of this method is that you can reuse you card shapes, and leave you tacking stitches in because they are not visible from the front. 

Then typically I like to stick them up in groups

Here I've opted for a three colours and a white one sort of pattern. 

Then I slot them in and whip stick them in place. 

I'm blaming my sister for this new project, she kept posting photos of her EPP on Instagram and it made my fingers itch! 

I'm not sure what size it's going to be yet , but I do like the idea of going for an unusual shape! 

Much love




  1. Do you leave the paper in them then? I'd like to try more patchwork...

    1. Yeah you take the paper out, unless it's an item is a needle book that you won't wash x


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