
Sunday 8 March 2015

Summer wardrobe inspiration!

I haven't lay posted recently mainly becuase there's not been a lot to post about , I've made a toile for a jacket and now just need to work out what I want to do fabric wise. 

I've started a summer top but need to finish it (bias binding urgh!) 

And I've been trying to asses my summer wardrobe situation, before I had lil Knitwit my summer wardrobe tended to consist of the smallest pair of shorts I could find and some sort of bikini top, sadly that's no longer appropriate for general shopping and dropping off at nursery! 

So I decided to have a look online at the latest summer styles to try and find some inspiration for a me made summer wardrobe. 

I've screen shotted the web pages so you can see the web address and the price. 

This is super cute! And I'm pretty sure if I can find the right fabric I could use my mimi blouse pattern to create something similar. 

I love play suits! (I do hate the weeing issue though!) I'm using this as my excuse for buying the new great British sewing bee book, so I can use the jumpsuit pattern. 

I love the idea of having a pretty bra top for under big vests and kimonos, but no way I'm I paying near on £13 for one. I doubt theirs £13 quids worth of fabric in five of these! 

Mainly I love the print on this, I think this year I'm going to try and be more confidant with prints! 

This is stupidly classy, I'm putting silky material on my shopping list and I'm going to try and recreate it! 

I've already made one kimono and I'm on the look out for cheap sarongs so I can make some more! 

I like the idea of having a denim skirt that singing quite as mini as I used to wear! The top one is a basic pencil skirt but I think I could recreate the bottom one using the clemence skirt pattern and adding some patch pockets! And I've got a couple if old pairs of jeans ready to be repurposed! 

Quite simply this is adorable! I have no idea how easy the pattern would be to draft but it might be nice to try and learn how to shir (have I spelt that right?) fabric. 

I love this! And I already have a similar one in my wardrobe! Insert smug face here! 

And I think that might be enough to be getting on with, for the moment at least! 

What are your summer sewing plans? 

Much love



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