
Wednesday 4 March 2015

Mimi blouse pattern hack!

I'm a great lover if the mimi blouse from love at first stich, so much so that I thought it might make a nice shirt dress.

Now sadly I've got no pictures of the altering process, but I'll definitely take some when I make my next one! 

First a got my pattern pieces and added about a foot and a half in length. 

Then I altered my collar peice so I'd have a round collar not a point one (FYI, I prefer the pointy one) 

Next I cut two pieces of grosgrain to act as belt loops (I sewed these directly into my side seams) 

I used a sheer lace as my yoke, I think it makes me look saucy! Although I did have to topstitch the seams down so they wouldn't peek through! 

I also had to trim my collar placket so it wouldn't peek out. 

Here's me trying to show you the lace and not just give a cleveage shot.

For the tie belt I just made a rectangle although I think I might switch it for a proper belt next time. 

All my button holes went in smoothly! which never happens so YAY!

I think it's a good summer dress length although I can see me wearing it in winter with tights and a long sleeved top! 

All in all I love it! Everything came together nicely! Next time I think I might try and flare the extension from the hip for a more 50's feel! 

Much love




  1. I really love this!!! My copy of Love At First Stitch was just delivered yesterday, so I will definitely be trying this great pattern hack!! Thanks for the idea... P.S - I love the lace yoke!

    1. Thankyou! Got to say I'm now a huge fan of a lace yoke! You are going to enjoy the book so much it's amazing! X

  2. Looks super!! Love the lace yoke x


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