
Wednesday 3 September 2014

What kind of mother am I? Well let's put it this way, when I play play dough I get all the colours out...

Today's been a bit emotional, for starters lil Knitwit had an hour long session at nursery today as a taster. The idea being that you see how they settle and try and slink off into the foyer if you think they won't notice or mind. I slunk off after about half an hour, (surprisingly I was one of the only ones to give it a go) and I would love to see that lil Knitwit fell to hiss knees when he found out I was missing, started sobbing and proclaimed that he couldn't cope with his wonderful mummy!!!!! 

He didn't.

My son wimpered for two seconds, then decided that his new environment was a good enough substitution for his mothers care and love. 

So yeah I'm really happy about that (lil brat I mean you carry someone for 8 months and spend everyday with them for two and a bit years!!! Is a screaming fit too much to ask??)

But I am grateful, I'm very glad that he's going to enjoy nursery, just as long as he remembers who feeds/baths/cuddles him for the rest of the time! 

The other reason today has been emotional is because of starting/nearly finishing my second OWOP dress, I'm using the same pattern as the first dress I ever made and it's coming along nicely, the reason that it's emotional however is because the fabric was inherited from my grandma, and she brought it with the intention of making my grandad a pair of trousers/jacket. 

Three metres of lovely pinstriped brown wool? I think it's wool? 

The stripes are red and blue but you can't really tell from a distance. 

I even had a spool of brown thread! How's that for fate! 

From the moment I saw this fabric I thought I had to make a dress to honour both of my grandparents. I'm using the same bodice from the first dress I made but I'm not going to gather the skirt, I'm thinking box pleats?

This is about the moment I started to tear up, I'm not sure if it was the thought of my grandma thoughtfully picking out fabric for her husband or the realisation that lil Knitwit is growing up, but let's just say things got a bit emotional! 

I did manage to pull myself together for the pinning stage though! And I actually got the Bodice sewn today, and the skirt panel hemmed so tomorrow it's just the zip, pleats and skirt attachment to worry about!!

one week, one pattern starts on the 6th September over on handmade janes blog! And yeah I'm cutting (no pun intended) it a bit fine aren't i?

What can I say I just love the pressure!

Much love 



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