
Friday 5 September 2014

We're nearly there!!!

One week one pattern is nearly upon us!!! It's starts tomorrow! 

I just thought I'd let you know how I'm going to do OWOP, (by the way I'm so excited! It's the first blog event I've ever done!) 

For starters I don't plan on posting pics of me in the outfits, rather just the items and the styling on a hanger. Lil Knitwit isn't quite camera trained, and mr Knitwit will be working so that's the only way I can show you! 

Also although I only have two items at the moment I'm hoping to have a third finished later in the week! So keep your eyes peeled! 

My OWOP posts will also be separate to my regular posts (which I'll still be doing) and will probably go up in the morning, with a few details about the item and accessories!

 Phew this month is so crazy!!!! I've got OWOP, a holiday, my birthday and a craft fair!!! In fact I'm so busy that I haven't even thought about my birthday (which never happens I'm a five year old when it comes to birthdays)

But onto today's finish! 

This is my last large hoop for the craft fair! I'm loving the beads and the flowers, it reminds me of my mums garden, she has a beautiful garden! 

Some of the beads are recycled! I know some people can be funny about second hand things but these were to beautiful to  chuck away. Plus I like to think I'm doing my part for the environment! I should probably mention that momma Knitwit was the one to remove to beads. She's the best fabric slave ever! 

Anyway apart from being crazy busy and everything being mental at the moment! With birthdays and fairs and patterns and holidays and ironing and little Knitwit starting nursery!!! (This is the part were I start sobbing uncontrollably in a corner!) 

Much love



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