
Thursday 4 January 2018

Floral Scuba Dress

How has everyone's holiday season been? Did you all have a banging Christmas and New Year? 

I did! In fact I stayed up so late on New Year that New Years day was basically a write off and I spent the whole day in my jammies. 

Today is lil mans first day back at school and the weather is fairly darn miserable! So lets have a completely inappropriate summery make shall we? 

This fabric was given to me by the lovely Jeanette [IG . pin_n_tonic] I think she made a skirt/dress from it and was kind enough to send me what was left. 

I've never sewn with scuba before but I LOVE it! I'm a complete convert. Its easy to cut, it doesn't fray and its easy to sew. 

In fact the only thing I did differently to sewing a regular fabric was to use my walking foot. It just gave me a bit more control and made sure that no stitches were skipped. 

Pattern wise the bodice is the same as this one by prima patterns. Luckily because the scuba has a slight stretch this bodice isn't as tight as the first version I made. I also decided to just do simple straps on this dress and not to cross them over like I did on my previous version. 

The skirt is the GBSB box pleat skirt and to be completely honest its a touch on the short side. I'm considering trying to find some lace so I can add a lace trim to the bottom and hopefully make it cover a bit more. 

The zip is just a simple exposed metal zip and it went in perfectly first time. 
I did line the bodice in cotton but it threw everything off. I'm guessing to cotton and scuba combined didn't really mesh. So I cut it all out and the lining sort of turned into a mini facing/binding type thing. It looks clean enough though so I'm pleased.

Its a bit weird to be writing about something so summery looking when I'm wearing a jumper, a cardigan and I have the heating on. 

I think I like it though, I wasn't too sure about the colours but Rikki said it looks nice. And its always nice to have another summer dress in the wardrobe! And I guess in the summer I might not mind that its a bit short? 

In other news! 

Both boys are back at school/work.

- I'm getting a cold which royally sucks! 

- My tumble dryer broke this morning! YAY! [insert copious sarcasm here] this is made more fun by the fact I just did a wash with all of my jeans in and I can't dry them outside because its raining #prayforfrankie

- I went and got a mini ironing board this morning to go with my mini iron from minerva craft [keep your eyes peeled for when my review goes up on their website] I shouldn't be so excited by a mini ironing board but it means I can set up an ironing station where I sew rather than having to lug the big ironing board around and keep going into the kitchen to press darts etc! 

- My sister got me a Bullet Journal for Xmas and I've been filling it in. I am completely obsessed at this point and I'm hoping this is the year I'm organised.

and I think that's about it?

I'm off to cut out a sewing project so I can actually get some SEWING done!!! Woop woop! It feels like its been ages.

Much Love




  1. I have never heard of scuba fabric. I had to ask Mr. Google. The dress is lovely and you look great

    1. scuba fabric is really nice you should try some! I have a rtw scuba pencil skirt and now this dress! One bonus of it is that it doesn't stain if someone spills red wine on you! x


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