
Sunday 1 October 2017

Vendula London Sewing Shop Handbag

Birthdays are the best! I mean boo to getting older but YAY for presents [I realise as an adult I;m suppose to be like "oh yeah I don't need presents, its just another day..." But no......]

This was my birthday present from my Mum and Dad! I'd actually mentioned wanting one a few weeks ago on here but I had no idea they were taking notes! [ I'D ALSO LIKE A PONY!]

Anyway I thought it might be nice to do a lil blog post looking at the bag after which I would naturally pop it back into its protective outer bag because well I don't want to ruin it now do I !? 

So the front closes with a twisty catch thing, I have no idea what this is called but it stops it popping open and your phone falling out , which yes has happened to me before. 

This is the box bag which is the second largest size they do and pretty much perfect for day to day use. Its got a zip pocket on the back and a zip pocket on the inside. Funny story, for years I thought the inside pocket on a handbag was officially called the tampon pocket because that's what my mum called it........ Bit embarrassing when I realised other people keep other things in it. The inside is also lined with a cute london print!

The bag is made from faux leather and some of the details on the front are sewn on by hand. The details on this bag are crazy guys, there's a sewing machine, a shop front sign that swings, rolls of fabric which are made from ACTUAL fabric and a little mannequin! 

I mean guys as far as handbags go this is pretty freaking adorable! I could look at it all day and still find something new! 

The back has a bicycle and a cat on because lets face it you can never have too much twee! 

It comes with a shoulder strap but I'd say you could use it as a clutch bad as well as the strap detaches. 

But I would definitely recommend taking a look at the whole website! I'm now lusting after the music shop bag, the diner and the bookshop as well as the whole of the cinema line!

Much Love




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