
Friday 6 October 2017

Refashioned Skirt From A Handmade Dress

There is nothing I hate more than when I spend time making something only for it to languish in the back of my wardrobe. It's bound to happen its not like you can try it on before you've made it is it? And we've all stood in a shop before trying to work out why the dress that seemed so perfect in theory actually looks like a potato sack.

Anyway I loved this dress when I first finished it but I just never wore it. The back is cut in a low v and due to a fit issue the straps fell down quite a lot exposing the old bosom, plus you have to go braless which is never a day to day wear pleaser. 

Anyway I did LOVE the fabric which I think is a Singapore printed cotton so I decided to try and fix it and make something more wearable. 

First of all I ripped out the zip then I just cut off the skirt part and threw the bodice away. This meant I got to keep the pockets!!! Although I had completely forgotten that this dress had pockets so ya know!

Next I cut a new waistband from some stash fabric and put it on with a zip and a hook and eye at the top.

And bish bash bosh done! I actually think I like it a lot more now and it should be easier to wear it day to day.


In other news!

- I'm freezing, seriously when did it get so cold? I'm absolutely dreading this winter I'm finding it hard to get out of bed as it is.

- I've just finished Gone Girl and boy what a book!!!! I literally couldn't put it down!

- I'm currently watching 'Allied' with Brad Pitt and I have high hopes that he'll take all his clothes off......... Filth Absolute filth

- I'm feeling a bit perkier this week, the hills aren't alive with the sound of music just yet but I think I'm heading to a good place emotionally. I've even had motivation to do stuff!

Much Love




  1. I too have made a few skirts out of homemade dresses, the top part is sometimes too crisp so a skirt with a soft t works better for me many times. : )



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