
Monday 25 September 2017

Grainline Lakeside Pjs

This post is pretty picture heavy, sorry guys but on the rare occasions that I take pictures of myself that I don't hate I can't bear to throw them away! 

There are few things in life I like more than pjs. Give me a pair of pjs, a good book and a cuddly duvet and I'm the happiest pumpkin in the world! And I think this might be my favourite Pj pattern. This is the Grainline Lakeside Pj set and was given to me as an early wedding present last year by my lovely friend Jeanette.

This is my third version, so I think we can quite safely assume that I like it! My previous versions can be found here and here  .

Now strictly speaking I don't need any more pyjamas and by not need any more I mean I have two drawers full. BUT! This fabric came in a bundle Minerva crafts sent me to review for their blog and its not really my style for day wear [something Rikki said about looking like one of screech's shirts from saved by the bell cemented this!] And here at knitwits owls we operate a strict "no fabric left behind" policy so it was destined for pjs! Because well nobody really sees what you wear in bed do they? Well Rikki sees it but he once saw me in a backless hospital gown so ya know............................

Now I made a size 12 because that's the size that was already cut but I checked and I still measure at an 8. Which I think would be far too small and tight so bare that in mind if your making your own version!

As before I stayed pretty true to the pattern including the split back which I still love! And I used all that dammed bias binding again! This time I recycled a pillowcase to make bias binding and I think it worked nicely! The colour changes are because the pillowcase had flowers on! 

Construction wise they went together a lot easier than the first two times [practise makes perfect eh?] But I still stumbled on binding the side seam of the shorts. The instructions make as much sense to me as sugar free cake. Every time I feel like I'm just working an a wing and a prayer. But it was all alright in the end!

The pattern placement was a pain in the backside though. The fabric is a cotton printed with flowers and hearts by Rose and Hubble. BUT the flowers and the hearts are printed in both directions. In the end I just cut it out and decided to sack off any concept of pattern matching or placement. It didn't turn out too badly considering my wing and a prayer attitude. 

So yeah I huge success and I'm always glad to have a new pair of pjs to lounge about it!  

In other news! 

- I still have a cold... It sucks and I'm being a complete baby about it!

- I've been reading loads! Honestly I can't get enough of books at the minute! Luckily our local charity shop does four for £1 so its not an expensive habit! Although the man behind the till has told me I'm in danger of "becoming rather well read!"  [I might do a post on what I've read recently if anyone's interested?]

- I'm still chugging on with my jumper project! Luckily its being done in a chunky wool so its making fast progress! Which is lucky! With the weather getting so chilly all I want to do is wear it!

Much Love




  1. Cute jimmies! And yes, I'd love to know what you're reading...

    1. Legit my lil boy calls them jimmies so I didn't even blink!

  2. Hate Spell Check. NOT jimmies. Jammies. Short for pajamas - jammies.

  3. They are fab. I looked at that pattern only the other day. Jo x

    1. It's a great one! And because it runs small it might be suitable for your girls too!

  4. Look like the kind of pj´s I need out here. I'm currently reading the Christmas Cafe paperback and The Sewing Machine on my kindle. I just finished an Ian Rankin I was given for a flight but I redonated it already so can't remember which it was.

    1. They are great pjs! Ooh I'll take a look at those books x


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