
Thursday 24 August 2017

Days By the Sea Dress - Simplicity K1418

Today is Rikki's birthday and like an absolute trooper he's still gone into work. Apparently he didn't have enough holidays to take my birthday and his off and he decided mine was more important...... AWWWWWWW! But seriously though he's not that bothered about his birthday really? In fact seen as he gets up at half four in the morning we actually did his presents last night so today he just has his cake to look forward too. He's weird but he'd rather no fuss than lots of fuss. [Me? I like a fuss! which is why I'll be starting my birthday countdown in September!!] 

But you didn't come here to listen to me talk about birthdays did ya? This is another of those dresses that has been made for quite a while . In fact this dress has already been "out" for the day when we went to Barmouth. And yes I wore my "days by the sea" dress by the sea! The irony was not lost! The fabric itself is by the Craft Cotton Company [this is the same collection I used for my days by the sea quilt] Its a really lovely quality cotton so if your searching for some fun nautical prints check them out! 

I really really took my time pattern matching those stripes!! They match along the back and side seams but for some reason they go a bit funny around the box pleats? I'm not sure why but its not the sort of thing that's going to bother me! They don't look too bad in these photos but its definitely something I'd notice. 

The pattern was simplicity K1418 which I used for my gingham dress, only this time I went for the strappy version not the off the shoulder version!

The fit of the bodice is pretty bang on. I did have to take 2cm out of the center back seam and shorten the straps but other than that its pretty good. I think it could do with being shortened at the waist by about an inch though because when I wore it all day at the beach I noticed it was tucking itself up and not sitting right. 

I do love this neckline though its so lovely and flattering. BUT it hates all of my bras! It's such a pain in the bum! Why do all the pretty necklines require certain bras? Why can't I just wear it with any old bra? and why oh why does it have to be a strapless one?

The skirts a good compromise between being an a line [which I don't like] and being a fully gathered poofy skirt [which I love!!!] Its enough to feel girly but it doesn't get in the way. 

Length wise its on the longer side. Typically I like my dresses short but with having to put lil man in and out of the car and bend down and well just all the other crap I do day to day the short dresses were not practical and I was spending a good amount of time flashing my knickers!

Here you can see the print a bit more clearly. That row row with the blue anchors was what made pattern matching so hard! I couldn't just match the background colour I had to match the anchors too.

The facing's work really nicely on this dress. I always like using facings for cotton dresses because they press so nicely.

All in all I love the dress. I always forget how much I love a novelty print dress until I'm actually wearing one! The pattern needs a few more tweaks before its perfect and I think the back zip could do with a big press but other than that I think this has turned out really well!

In other news!

I had a great Charity shop haul today! Basically our local charity shop is having its yearly sale where they try and clear as much stock as possible. Anyway that had brand new in the box shoes for £2.00 each! I went along with the intention of buying two pairs but when I got to the till they lady offered me a 3rd pair and said she'd do it for half price. Now I only had four quid on me which I told her and she said "No I'll do the lot for half price... So three quid, the boxes are taking up loads of room we want them gone..." I dammed near bit her entire arm off! Three brand new pairs of shoes for £3!!!!!! I can see why they were struggling to sell them though, they are 7/8inch platform wedge shoe boots, which I'm not sure appeals to most people!!! 

They are pretty comfy though!

Much Love


disclaimer - whilst the craft cotton company sent me this fabric for free all thoughts and opinions are my own. 


  1. Super dress! Awesome pattern matching! Great bargain from the charity shop!

  2. I think that length is a classy touch. Bras?? Don't even go there! Jo x


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