
Tuesday 2 August 2016

Things I made at High school - Part 1

So after the heaviness of my last post [thank you by the way for the lovely response I received both on the blog and privately] I thought it might be nice to do something a bit lighter!

This is a three part series featuring thing my mum found in storage at her house!

Okay so this is the Technicolor dream coat that I made for my high schools production of Joseph and his technicolor dream coat. I think I was about 17 at the time and very new clothes sewing!

I think I altered a new look pattern by extending the jacket pieces to make it longer and adding some pretty serious godets! I'm pretty sure it was a panelled jacket and that's why I could use so many crazy colours!

The front closes with a big hook and eye!

The fabric was from abakhans which my mum and dad kindly payed for [to this day I'm annoyed that they weren't thanked in the program, I mean after someones just paid £30 for a costume it seams a bit rude! Especially seen as other people were thanked who did far less]

But anyway! This was my last school production and as well as making this coat I helped sew trim to dancers costumes, helped with set changes, helped back stage and was third cactus.

This is me in my cactus costume, we had to do a dance and everything. To be honest I'm struggling to see how our performance didn't earn us a golden globe or something!

Anyway the costume was cut in a size eight and was made for the sweetest lil year 8 who had a face like butter wouldn't melt. the entire thing is just stitched together, no French seams no finishing. Well actually that's a lie I made sure the seams wouldn't fray by burning them all with a lighter [which made me feel rather squiffy]

I did however put a long strip of Velcro up the centre back seam so the coat could be "ripped" apart when Josephs brothers fight over it. Me and the teacher directing didn't tell the cast so when this thing ripped in their hands their reactions were priceless! 

It was one of the more fun productions I worked on, mainly I think because it didn't take itself to seriously! It was also the production I knitted a baby cardigan during, and the one I went to the pub after every night! Where I happened to spend a good deal of time flirting with a certain bartender [who totally fell for me and my awesome cactus ways]

It was also quite sad really because it was our last one! 

But the coat went down very well and still looks pretty awesome now! Although what on earth do I do with it now? Either I put it up the loft or I see if lil mans new school wants it for school productions ! 

Much Love


P.s keep your eyes peeled for part 2 its a corker!!!!



  1. Put it in the loft - you will want it again for lil man when he appears on the West End stage!

    1. Im not sure Id inflict this on him! those burnt seams are so scratchy!!!!

  2. Yep, you definitely need to keep it, after all, your mum has hung onto it for all this time. This post cracked me up. You have obviously always been a very talented sewer. The only thing I made at school was a bright pink apron to wear in cookery class. I certainly wasn't up to adapting patterns. Well done you. X

    1. We never made aprons at school, we did make lined bags though!!! I loved textiles I think its a huge shame that skills like textiles are being lost in schools!

  3. Definitely keep it, it has so many memories for you and shows how far you've come, look forward to see part 2 x

    1. Oh you are going to LOVE part two! its a full on cringe fest!!!! x


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