
Saturday 16 May 2015

Corset top and tulip skirt!

Do you remember the silky sheets I was given by my MIL? Well I have already cut a blouse , but couldn't find the motivation to sew it, then I found myself cutting out another project last night! 

It's a bit of a mash up! First I've cut cut out a corset type top part using the gbsb corset pattern (short version) and the bottom scrap from when I had the bridesmaid dress from my sisters wedding shortened. Yerp after her wedding my sister was nice enough to suggest that I shorten my dress so I could wear it again, and the lady who did the alterations was kind enough to give me the bottom scrap (it went from floor length to knee length so it's a pretty hefty scrap) and she was nice enough to do the alterations in about two days so I could wear it to a party! 

But anyway the material for the dress was a thickish, dark blue with one silky side and one Matt side. 

(Blue fabric on a blue carpet, brilliant idea!) 

Excuse my me made pjs! This is all my corset pieces lined up, I think I'm going to do flat felled seams (or the other ones which are like flat felled seams just a bit different) the plan is the have a very structured top with a draped skirt. 

Speaking of the skirt I decided to use some of the leftover purple silky stuff from the bed sheet. I'm trying something new here the plan is to do a gathered high low type skirt. 

So I cut the fabric into a triangle and then free handed a curve! 

I'm hoping it's going to look all sophisticated and expensive and stuff. But there's a few things I'm unsure on, for starters the bottom is very floaty so how the hell am I suppose to hem it? Part of me thinks I should get my rolled hem foot out but the other part of me knows how crap I am with it? I could do a tiny double hem? But I'm not sure I'm dainty enough? Hmmmm it's a conundrum! 

But anyway that's what I spent last night doing, that and continuing to binge watch pretty little liars. I'm three seasons in and still have no idea who "A" is..... And sometimes when I've been watching for three hours straight and I'm tired I think it's me! (If you don't watch pretty little liars you won't get this joke, so just take my word that it's hilarious and we'll leave it there) 

Other than that the only seeing I've really done is putting backing into little knitwit said curtains to stop the sun. 

Could NOT have been more dull if I'd tried! 

So yeah that's everything with me! 

I've pinned my project to my mannequin and hopefully I'll get some seeing done tonight, and solve my hem problem! 

Much love




  1. Intrigued to see how this turns out! I think it's going to look lovely :) Also, I'm glad it's not just me that gets all my sewing stuff done in my pjs lol

    1. There's people that sew in regular clothes? Really? I tend to like pjs because they are easy to whip off for fittings x

  2. I agree with Hannah, can't wait to see it when it's finished, I think it will look amazing:) xxx


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