
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Finished Mimi Blouse!

Okay so I know it seems like I'm cranking out the projects at the moment! And that the blog is becoming very clothes sewing heavy but I've got a massive backlog of things I've made to photograph and I'm really enjoying sewing clothes at the moment! It's nice to learn new skills and see yourself improve! 

Anyway today's finish is the Mimi blouse from love at first stitch! Are we starting to gather that I'm working my way through this book pretty steadily? What can I say the patterns are young and pretty and the instructions are clear! 

I think I finished this about a month ago? And to be honest when I put it on I thought "well here's something I'm never going to wear!" But looking at the photos I actually think it's quite nice! 

I should probably mention that momma Knitwit styled me! After I made it I sent her some pictures because I couldn't find anything it looked good with! I'm actually wearing my high waisted denim short shorts , but I've cropped my legs off! Nobody needs to see that pastyness first thing in the morning! 

The fabric was given to me by my nan and is a lightweight cotton, with a floral ditsy print on it. 

And the buttons are taken off one of Mr knitwits shirts that went funny in the wash. 

I'm super pleased that my collar points are even I was stupidly worried about them! 

And the whole thing is French seamed! (Apart from the sleeves, could not get my head around it, I blame tiredness)

It's a comfy blouse too! I know that some people said the arms were tight but I don't have that problem. 

And I love it with my denim jacket! Makes me feel like a 90s kid! (Can you tell I idolised my siblings in the 90s?) it makes me want to run off and climb through Dawsons window, and declare my undying love! That's a lie I'm a Pacey kinda girl!

Much love



P.s what do we think, is it appropriate for the mother of a three year old to wear high waisted short shorts? X


  1. I love this! I'm also insanely jealous that you're working your way through the book! I started to, but then I just lost my sewing mojo :( Been reading lots of blogs today so hopefully I've got it back!

    1. I'm sad to hear you've lost your mojo! My grandad told me whenever your having a block to tidy where you work! Compleatly reorganise it if you have to and hopefully you'll find inspiration in the things you'd forgotten!


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