
Monday 1 September 2014

A bear of very little brain...

Growing up I had a small Winnie the Pooh obsession, I say small , but I mean large . I had teddy bears, notebooks , pillows, duvets , pants! You name it I had it! Which is where the inspiration for this came from. 

I used some of the left over faux suede from when I recovered my living room cousins and decided to keep it just to two tones! 

Isn't he adorable! I free handed the design after a quick google search (genuinely don't know where I'd be without google) I rarely free hand embroidery designs , there's nothing quite like spend two hours sewing only the find that one measly detail is off!

In other news I managed to figure out the automatic button hole foot on my machine! It took me longer than it should have done but I don't think the instructions were very clear at all!  (And I mean women not clear, not man not clear!) in the end I you tubed it, and finally worked out that there was something that I need to pull down! I'm so glad I've worked it out, now I can get to finishing some other projects for the craft fair! 

But tomorrow I think I might try and see if u can sew a whole dress during lil knitwits nap! 

Much love



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