
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Bad Day

Does anyone else have bad crafting days? The kind of days where you read the pattern wrong and drop stiches? Where your threads knotted and your sewing machine decided it's tension is all wrong?
I'm having one of those , I miscounted stitches on my knitting and ran out of fabric for a dress I was going to make, (I should have measured properly, apparently my winging it approach doesn't always work!)
So not much has been done to be honest, but I did manage to have a nice relaxing time doing some embroidery , although the day I'm having I'll probably spill an entire cup of tea over it just as I've finished (and yes I have done that before, 3 hours work down the drain!)
It's a bit different to what I usually do, but I'm loving it so far.
Standard embroidery procedure , Grandmothers embroidery hoop, various threads, needle, comfy chair and a brew . If this is what heavens like, take me out back and shoot me.
It definitely relaxed me after what was briskly turning into a day of failures mixed in with a large cup of self pity.
I used chain stitch on the centre of the flowers , it was the first posh embroidery stitch I ever learned and I remember my textiles teacher showing me very patiently how to do it, I was going to do French knots but they STILL elude me!
All I need to do is the branch and then I think I might be done aside from a few small extra stitches I might add.
Ever had a super sucky crafting day?
Much Love

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