
Thursday 5 April 2018

Polka Dot Tshirt - Newlook K6217

I just had politicians at my door and couldn't make them go away, made even more awkward by the fact I'm already in my pjs because #lazygirl.

Okay so this top is part of my conscious effort to try and make more of my tops and stop relying on RTW. 

The pattern is from new look k6217, is one of those multi pack patterns and has a top, trousers, skirt and kimono jacket in it. I got mine from the charity shop for 25p but you can also find it here.

So far the top is the only one I've tried and I doubt I'll make any of the others but for 25p I think I've got my monies worth. The thing that mainly drew me to the pattern was that the top is made up in woven fabric which means I can use some of the smaller pieces in my stash.

I did most of the construction on my over locker apart from the hems and the back seam. Because of the keyhole detail at the back I had to sew that on my regular machine. I actually really like the little open bit at the back and its a good excuse to use up all those pretty odd buttons I have floating around. 

The fabric was a polka dot crepe that I got from abakhans during the fill a bag sale. It sewed really nicely and O only had a small amount so it was perfect for this pattern.

The top has a grown on? [I'm pretty sure that is what you call it?] sleeve so its really easy to sew up and you don't have to faff around setting in sleeves. Perfect for a quick pattern for making up some day to day tshirts. 

I sewed the hems by over locking the edge and then folding it over twice. It turned out really neat so I'll definitely do that again. To be honest I have no idea how the instructions have you finish them because I didn't even open them!

Fit wise I cut out a size 12 and the fit is pretty good. I measured as a 14 but I always size down on the big four patterns. Technically the bust size for the size 12 is 34inches and mine is 36 but as you can see its not straining or anything.

I much prefer it tucked in! But I tend to prefer everything tucked in because it gives me a bit more a shape. 

So yeah I'd have to say this make was very successful and I think I've finally found a woven tshirt pattern that I love! 

In other news!!! 

- The washer is finally in! The man who came said the other guys must have been a load of cowboys. But more importantly my faith in my measuring skills has been restored. And I'm nearly caught up on the washing.

- Lil man bumped his head today and I'm in full panic mode checking on him every ten minutes in case he has a concussion! He's been fine all day but that never stops me panicking about him. Not helped by the fact I can hear kids shouting outside and I keep thinking its him! 

Much Love 




  1. I have made everything on that pattern except the cardy thingy. The skirt is lovely and uses hardly any fabric, it is so quick to make as it has no waistband - must fish that out for another me thinks. Jo x

  2. I have also made that top many, many times. So easy and comfy too.

    1. I can see me having a wardrobe full of them! X

  3. I’m thinking I might have to start this sewing lark... I love this top looks good xx

  4. Polka dot fashion never be old. You are looking beautiful Frankie.

  5. Thanks for sharing your work with us, looking nice.

  6. Thank you for sharing your lovely hacks with us.


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