
Friday 23 February 2018

Thoughts we all have when we are fitting ourselves.....

Okay so fitting is the bane if every dressmakers life. I mean it's all well and good if you've got a handy second person to help you but what if your alone? Or what if the second person doesn't know what their doing? 

So here's a post about all the thoughts that go through my head when I'm fitting........

It's time to fit.........

• I should have basted the seams.... Why didn't I baste the seams. If I have to unlock them I'll scream.

• am I wearing the right pants for this dress? (I can guarantee that I am not wearing the right pants) 

• changes knickers 

 • how on earth do I pin the back seam? 

• folds self like a pretzel 

• where's the mirror? I need a mirror?

• whys it so loose? Is it meant to be this loose? 

• checks pattern.........HOW MUCH EASE???????? 

• Takes a few inches off the seams

• puts dress back on....

.• can't breathe...... CANNOT BREATHE 

• Maybe it's my pants......

• puts on big scary stomach sucking in pants and bra that makes Pamela Anderson jealous

• are the darts in the right place? Surely my boobs don't look like that?

• dress fits

• why did I choose this fabric? Do I like this fabric? Oh it was on sale.....what a nice fabric!!

• that hems quite long? I'll take off an inch or two

• hems dress...

• oh hello pants! Gosh that's a bit short... Maybe I shouldn't have cut it? I'll have to do a smaller hem..

• finishes dress, shows husband "it's alright" 

• necks a bottle of rose 

Who else hates fitting projects to themselves? 

Much love 




  1. You are brave soul to sew clothing without an able assistant!! Everything looks great, though. Lucky you!!

  2. "oh hello pants! Gosh that's a bit short... Maybe I shouldn't have cut it? I'll have to do a smaller hem.." Every. Single. Time! xox


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