
Saturday 25 November 2017

Monkey PJ Bottoms

Is there sch a thing as too many pairs of pyjama bottoms? I don't think so.

Going to bed, put on some pjs
fresh out the shower, wear your pjs
feeling rough, pjs

I would literally wear mine the whole time if I could.

The fabric for these is some sort of poly silk stuff that I got from the car boot. The Fabric is printed with monkeys and the monkeys are on the phone and they say "hanging around"

Needless to say I love it! And luckily I have loads of it!

The pattern is for the Margot Pj Bottoms by tilly and the buttons and I was going to make a mimi top but for some reason all of the pieces I cut out ended p all jacked up and I couldn't get them to fit together so I just ended up ditching them and sticking with the bottoms. 

For these pictures I'm wearing them with my polar bear top that my Mum and Dad got me from Canada, it says Polar bear in a snow storm and its pretty darn cute. 

Construction wise I used my regular machine and pinked the seams, In hindsight I should have over locked them because these lasted 2 wears and one go through the wash before the seams started to fray! I knew at the time I need to over lock them but I couldn't be bothered to swap the thread in my over locker.

At least I've got enough of this fabric left to make another pair if I want! 

In other news!

I'm exhausted, I had a pretty terrible nights sleep last night and ended up awake at 4am having some sort of panic attack situation. I managed to calm down and get back to sleep but it sucked not having Rikki there because he was on nights. He wouldn't have been very helpful but I'd have felt better if he was there. 

I have a new phone! HOWEVER! Said phone currently isn't working because apparently Tesco need to send through some sort of code to make it work with my sim card and its going to take them up to TWENTY days to send the code. I'm not sure why it's going to take that long seen as everything is digital now days but apparently it will. Luckily Its doing the Internet, and I have my tablet so I'm not too disconnected from the outside world!

And there's a cheeky lil picture of me and my doggy pincushion in the latest issue of Sew magazine on their sew Saturday roundup page! 

Much Love 



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