
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Jackie O Jacket by Simple Sew Patterns

Sometimes you have a fabric in stash and you know exactly what it needs to be. Its just a matter of time waiting to sew it up! 

I've had this textured cotton type stuff in my stash for a lil while and I knew it would be great for making an imitation Chanel jacket. 

I decided to use the  Jackie O Jacket pattern by simple sew patterns. I've made it once before [here] and I found it a really satisfying make so I thought it might be nice to give it another go. Plus I thought that a lil white jacket would be a good wardrobe filler. 

The jacket is sized 8-18 and is marked as an adventurous beginner pattern which I'd say is fairly accurate [However as always the simple sew instructions are pretty sparse]. I made things slightly harder by opting to line mine.  

Its really simple to line it here's a sort of brief guide as to how I do it-

Cut front, back sleeves and all facings from main fabric.
Cut front back and sleeves from lining fabric
Construct facings
Construct lining body
Construct outer body of jacket. 
Place main body and facing right sides together, then place the lining body on top with right side towards main jacket right side. [making a lil jacket sandwich] 
Sew all the way around the bottom , front opening and neck, but leave a small gap to turn through.
Trim and turn jacket through.
Fold a small hem on facing, pin to jacket lining and slip stitch in place by hand. 

The trim came about because Rikki said the textured white fabric reminded him of a sheep...........and he proceeded to baa at me for the whole time I was hand stitching the facings down.

So I added some trim to make it seam a bit less livestock and a bit more nautical. Sadly though I only had enough to go around the front, neck and bottom of the jacket but not enough to edge the sleeves. So I had to improvise by doing these little loop things. 

The ric rac was something I've had in stash for a while and had to be stitched down by hand because the jacket was already finished. Technically if I had though about it I could have sewn it to the jacket body before I attached it to the lining but I think it could have looked a bit odd machine sewn in? With hand stitching you can't really see that its attached at all to be honest.

The fit from the back is pretty good but I am wondering about adding an inch or two of length to the bottom of the jacket? What do you think is this a good length or shall I go a bit longer for the next one.

I really liked the finish on this so it got a special label! 

The lining fabric was given to me by a friend one weekend so all in all the total cost of this jacket was £0 I didn't even buy the pattern!!! And for a bit of extra fun I decided to sew it on my vintage singer 99k. Its a nice project for that machine because it doesn't require a zip foot, or a zig zag stitch or anything complicated!!

And for a bit of fun I videoed a lil "the making of " of this jacket!

In other news!

Its been quite a day...

-For starters we took lil man to the doctors and the appointments were running 45 minutes behind.
-Then we went to pick up his prescription only to find they didn't have it in the doctors pharmacy so we visited two more only to find they didn't have it either [Later on Rikki found it after going to two more pharmacy's] 
-Then we got home to find that my phone was MISSING! [I know another lost phone and only a few months after I lost one in the sea] I remember having it in the first pharmacy but after that I was sure I'd put it in my bag? [Between me and you I'm THAT positive that I put it in my bag and zipped it up that I'm wondering if its been stolen] Anyway after calling it a zillion times , retracing our steps and checking "the find my phone" thing on the laptop, we came to the conclusion that it had either died [By being run over] or been completely wiped. As it goes we have now ordered another cheapo phone and sim card.
- Then we went to pick lil man up from school and it was hammering it down! We all got completely soaked decided to give up with the day and put our pjs on. 

Now I'm settling in with a LARGE glass of wine and hopes that tomorrow will be a better day. 

Wish me luck!

Much Love




  1. I reckon it the next one needs to get to the waistband on the back of your trousers. But all in all I like it, especially the genius arm trim. Jo x

    1. I think your right! I'm going to add a few inches to the pattern


  2. Super jacket! It has the 60's vibe at that length and looks particularly good with a dress, but would also be a good jacket a little longer as it could be more versatile.

    1. I think for dresses this is a good length but I think for trousers it does need to be a lot longer.


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