
Tuesday 25 July 2017

Knitted Owl Paper Weights!

The summer holidays are fully upon us! And I had forgotten just how much time kids take up! Not that I'm not enjoying it, it just hasn't left me a lot of time for blogging. So far we've had long morning snuggles, watched lots of movies, played football and had a fairly intense game of tiddlywinks! 

I did manage to find some "me time" on sunday though when I popped up to Manchester for a research group practical publishing was running. It was a question and answer type thing with them asking me and about 9 other women questions about our sewing, knitting and buying habits. I found it very interesting to hear what everyone had to say and the other ladies were really nice and as a bonus there were goody bags! [More on that another day]

Anyways today I've managed to find a quick ten minutes to write this whilst lil man sits and practises his reading! 

These are some knitted owl paper weights that I made for lil mans teachers at the end of the school year. Typically we don't do presents for teachers but lil man said he wanted to give them something. And by them he meant all FOUR of them! Yep as it turns out there are four teachers in reception class! 

So naturally I needed a present that was quick to make and didn't break the bank [as it goes these were free!!!!]

I used the same pattern as for my large knitted owl doorstops but I shrunk it down [I am thinking of writing that pattern up if anyone's interested?] then I just weighted the bottoms and chucked in some left over toy stuffing. 

Colours wise I decided only to use my scrap wool, I tried to make the colour combinations as interesting as possible. I think the colours turned out pretty cute. 

I used felt for the beaks, and buttons for the eyes, it actually worked out as a nice way of using up some of those spare pairs of buttons and odd buttons I have lying around.

So yeah that's it really, I hope his teachers like slightly odd stationary! In fact I even had to write on the label that they were in fact paper weights! Mainly so they wouldn't think I had given then some very little heavy owls! 

Anyway Lil man is already climbing up my leg telling me how bored he is of reading and how he wants to play ANOTHER game of tiddlywinks! 

Much Love


p.s Hopefully normal blogging shall resume shortly! Wish me luck!



  1. How lovely they are :) makes me almost a little sad that I don't knit, haha!

  2. They are so cute! The research group sounds interesting, looking forward to hearing about the goodie bag!

  3. They are fab, such a great gift x


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