
Tuesday 7 June 2016

Outfit Along 2016

When I saw the outfit along being announced on Lladybirds blog I was like "yeah like I'm gonna try that? do I look stupid?"

Then I started to think about it and thought, hmmm it might be nice to knit and sew something that corresponds, and I did say I'd do more blogging community things this year..... even if they do push me out of my comfort zone.

So I'm going to give it a whirl....

But its me so I'm only going to give it a whirl if I can play by my rules! [and according to their rules as long as you knit one item and sew another and it makes an outfit you can pretty much do what you want!]

1. I'm not using the official skirt pattern. They are using the Hollyburn by sewaholic patterns, I'm using a self drafted pattern that's a pretty similar style to the Hollyburn. I'm using the two fabrics pinned in the picture below, one is a suede and the other is a floral which I'm going to use for the pockets.  

2. I'm not using the official knit pattern either the zinone by Andi Satterlund, As much as I love Andi's patterns I just don't see myself wearing this one. Which made me think about buying some wool and maybe making another miette. But then I was like "oooh that's a bit extravagant" and we are still on a spending ban due to the whole buying dinner for 60 people in October thing [wedding!]

 So then I thought, well lets take a look at what's in the old wool drawer

lot and lots of small balls...... So I'm going for a ww2 make do and mend stripy, ombre jumper....thing. [or at least that's what I hope I'm going for, to be honest I'm flying by the seat of my pants]

I took my inspiration from these images 

But I'm using the smokey earl grey pattern from raverly because I like its style and as a bonus its free. [I'm coming across as someone who doesn't really like parting with money aren't I? well its true.......]

I've actually made a pretty good start, I cranked about 5 inches out whilst watching soccer aid, and the euro cup starts soon which is always prime knitting time for me!

So yeah that's my plan for this years OAL2016 Hopefully I can get it finished! is anyone else taking part!?

Much Love


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