
Saturday 15 August 2015

I can't party like this anyway, I'm not 18....... No your 22

I've lost my staying power, I am exhausted! We went to a good friends wedding last night and we stayed up late! Even little knitwit went past his bedtime! But today? Boy am I pooped! My feet hurt! Turns out my old reliable , comfy as slippers stilettos have turned on me! My head hurts! When did music get so loud? 

But either way I had a brilliant time! I wore my corset dress that I made

And teamed it with a massive pair of earrings! 

Pat butcher would be proud! 

So today I've decided to sack of all of the really intensive housework and knit instead! 

I've started a simple diagonal stitch blanket in a chunky wool! 

To only problem I'm having is that I'm running out of room for stitches on my needles so I might have to do something creative with a thick boarder! 

This photo doesn't really do the colours justice, it's actually more of a fushica pink with a khaki green, it's girly without screaming Barrie doll! 

In other exciting news, I've been featured on the Minerva crafts blog! 

It's a QandA talking about seeing and crafting and I had a blast doing it! And I'm so glad they decided to feature me! 

Much love



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