
Monday 6 July 2015

Trying Tapestry

I'd love to say its been a slow week, but it hasn't! I've started three new projects and cleaned up the sewing room (turns out I own 23 zips, funny how none of them are ever right for the projects at hand! ) 

my other projects are:

clothes/embroidery/refashion = think cowboy meets a hippy

shoes/refashion/drawing = think mental thoughts

and this bad boy

That folks is a tapestry, or at least I think it is, I'm still having difficulty with the difference between cross stitch and tapestry, I think its just because one uses silks and the other wool!

Anyway little knitwits godfather saw this and thought I might like to give it a go, it came with all the wools but not instructions!

According to the paper with it, its a copy of one of the old masters pictures? Anyway I'm completely winging it, I tried cross stitching but it just looked messy so I'm doing rows of back stitch. Its more relaxing than I thought it would be but I still think its going to take a long time. just to clarify does anybody know what stitch your actually meant to do with tapestry?

I'm not 100% what ill do with the finished product but I'm sure I'll think of something.

In other news i saw these awesome shoes on pinterest and I'm now dreaming of my own little version!

I'm going to keep my eyes open for cheap tape measures and have a good rummage through my old shoes, see if I cant breathe some life back into them!

I also think I'm going to try and finish the blouse I cut out like two months ago, mainly because it was sat judging me when I was cleaning up my sewing space today,

"where you gonna put me Frankie? cant put me with fabric can you, I'm not fabric I'm pieces of fabric, cant hang me in your wardrobe I'm not finished! so yeah I might have to finish it! I just find it hard after reading to awesome instructions from Tilly's book to switch back to the sparse instructions of other books! Although this has been written by thrifty stitcher so I'm expecting good things!

I at least want to get it done before I start sewing the new pencil skirt I'm envisioning, I wear my wool check one all the time but its a bit too toasty for warmer days so I'm going to use the last of my tartan poly cotton for Minerva fabrics and make myself a summer version.

Much Love




  1. Tapestry kits like the one in your picture are usually done with tent stitch, it is a half cross stitch if you have t heard of it, all in one direction. I think you will find that will fill in the picture much quicker than back stitch. It often seems a bit weird on curves but viewed when complete it works ( think pixels!) hope this makes sense!!

  2. Ps re the shoes you can get ribbon that looks like measuring tape - might be softer on your feet!!

  3. Hum, I was thinking this picture was needlepoint... one stitch in each hole. You might google needlepoint or look for a video on You Tube. I'm sure you can find some directions of how to go forth with this. Ps -- these kits are not cheap! Love the shoes but I could hear my feet screaming --"no, don't do that to us!" Go for it as I think they are really cute. (Hum, could that be done to flats??)


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