
Friday 17 October 2014


Sometimes crazy ideas pop into my head, and after watching itv's Cilla I found myself googling the Beatles and listening to some songs, and then well to be honest u found myself googling John Lennon and yoko and trying to work out if yoko really did spilt up the band (no idea to be honest) but I did get a bit Lennon obsessed and then this happened. 

The drawing is entirely my own, and well this is actually the only copy I didn't draft an idea or anything I just drew straight onto the fabric. 

I used a variety of embroidery stitches including learning how to do French knots! 

I had a blast doing this piece and I think it will probably end up as a cushion which I will pop into my etsy shop. 

However sewing this did make me feel a little bit sad, it seams such a shame to me that anyone who tries to change the world for the better inevitably ends up dead or injured, John Lennon, Martin Luther king, bob Marley to name but a few. 


Frankie (who might be channeling her inner hippy at the moment!) 


1 comment:

  1. Wow thats incredible!! Would love to do something similar with Bob Dylan...

    I love your blog, adding it to my rrs-reader. :)


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