
Friday 25 July 2014

It Is Done

It's still hot! I definitely think were edging into heat wave territory! Although taking Little Knitwit to run some errands in the city was not as much fun because of the heat!
Simply put this happened -
  • Go to put fuel in car - very busy - fist fight and slanging match on forecourt. (not me! two other people)
  • Got to Hanley - made wrong turning had to use another car park.
  • Five minutes into shopping trip entire sole comes off my shoe (from out of nowhere!) - quick trip to Primark to find replacement shoes.
  • get things we need to get.
  • Go get lunch! Eat lunch.
  • Little Knitwit decides to do a wee that would call for Noah to get the ark back out - clothes soaked - back to Primark for dry clothes - get dry clothes - Two escalators and a lift broken at Primark - hour long queue to get to ground floor using only working lift.
  • Traffic on way home!
All I can say is it was an eventful day!
These are the new shoes. They were pretty comfy at the beginning but then my feet swelled up, the only shame is I know I could have done that pattern on an old pair!
But I did get home and set right to work finishing the beading on my Indian owl embroidery! And its done!
I tried not to over do it and I think I've succeeded, it is obviously not going to be a children's cushion its going to be the kind of cushion you display and ask people politely not to touch!
Definitely pleased with how it turned out! And I'm really enjoying doing the more textured work at the moment!
Before and after beading.
So all in all, not a terrible day today, although I didn't get to visit my favourite fabric shop in Hanley Abakan's. Although its probably a good job I couldn't find time because I'd still be there now!!!
Much Love
P.S for those of you who are wondering, yes I'm blogging in my pants again! and I'm not the only one who does it! x


  1. I love your owl and have pinned him on my Pininterest board x x

    1. Thankyou im quite fond of the little guy! Hes very sparkly. Thankyou for pinning him! X

  2. Sounds like my kind of day! Love your little owl - and I laughed out loud at the idea that it's a 'look don't touch' pillow!!!

    1. It just seemed to go from relaxed to crazy in 3 seconds! None stop!!! The look don't touch policy is huge in my house! I have towels that are not allowed to be used! I got so sick of having to dig out nice towels for when people come over! so we brought a set and they are for display use only! You wanna shower go in the airing cupboard and get one of the mis matched ones!!! I'd rather be crafting than finding towels! He He!
      Thank you for reading!
      Frankie x

  3. I love the addition of the beading to the embroidered owl - after a day like you described - a nice finish makes it all melt away! Lovely finish!

    1. It did actually, i hadnt thought of it like that but it was nice after all the drama to just sit and relax (and recover) thank you for reading! X


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