Wednesday 10 January 2018

My New Sewing Necklace

I love a good novelty necklace and over the years I've amassed quite a collection of fun necklaces. My favourites being my sewing scissors and my camera necklace. 

So when I saw a bag of sewing jewellery bits on the hobbycraft website I knew I had to have a go at making my own!

Luckily I had a few old chains in my jewellery box and for some reason I had a bag of jump rings in my bead box so it was just a matter of stealing Rikkis pliers and attaching them to the necklace at regular intervals! 

I've done a bit of jewellery making before so I was more than happy to just wing it! But if you want to try it you can find about a million videos on youtube pointing you in the right direction.

It actually turned out really cute and I love the charm bracelet sort of effect I ended up with. Plus it features some of my favourite sewing things!

Sewing machine , check
Button , check
Mannequin , check
Scissors , check 
Ball of wool , check 

In the background you can also see my scrabble name tag!

So be prepared to see this featuring in all of my outfit photos for the foreseeable future!

In other news!

- I've been a complete wuss this week and worn jeans everyday for the school run. Which actually makes me feel like a bit of a sewing failure because it means I've been wearing hardly anything handmade apart from the odd cardigan. However I have brought a pair of fleece lined tights today so I'm hoping they will keep me warm enough and I'll be able to put my handmade dresses back into rotation.

- I had a massive lazy day today and just did a load of cutting out rather than sewing. I think I cut out 5? projects so I'll be doing a post about the benefits of batch cutting at some point soon.

- I'm slowly working my way through playing all of the records in my collection! Thanks to Uncle Paul and Uncle Dave I now have quite the collection of music and I'm really enjoying expanding my tastes! I'm currently playing "the boomtown rats"

- I'm heading to the Abakhans Sale on saturday! Basically they are having a huge sale at their hanley store and I am so excited I might wee!! Let me know if your going so I don't attack you when I'm trying to score all the best fabrics!!!

Much Love 




  1. That is a fab necklace, so cute! But anyway the Abakhan sale! O! M! G! I got there late (Young un had a Gymnastics class...) and it was still AMAZING!!! hope you got some good stuff :)

    1. YES YES YES! wasn't it sooooo good! I can't believe how much heavy weight fabric I brought! x


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